Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Well, I am a person who has much to say and does not know how to say them. I am Anil Demir. From Turkey, living in Poland at the moment. Eventhough I held two blogs in my own language -which were Turkish-, this is my first time writing my own blog in English. Hope that I will not screw up and end up being boring and annoying to read.

This blog is all about adventure games. What made me start this project:

1. Adventure genre opens a new page nowadays. I do not know if you have noticed or not but there are more and more games coming out and the games are too beautiful to be ignored. This development makes me as an old adventure gamer and if you have come here to read this blog, it probably made you too, extremely happy.

2. Adventure games are misunderstood and unknown. If there will be some passer-by gamers, I want to make the genre appealing for them so they can have a taste of sweet mystery and problem solving. Joking aside, whenever I tell a friend about real classics like "Monkey Island" or "Broken Sword", they often do not know. The most satisfying answer is "Well, I heard of it but never seen." When I show them how these games look like and how they are played, they start to question their illiteracy and ignorance about the genre. The other thing is misunderstanding of the genre. When I see somewhere "Type: Adventure", I expect that game to be a real adventure game, not an Action/Adventure, not an RPG/Adventure, not a Platformer but a pure 'Adventure' game. People mix the word and the genre or they generalize the adventure elements so often. I want to try fixing this issue by writing what is correct. Hope it will go well.

3. I born into a house with a Commodore 64 which my father was playing before me. I played all kinds of games on that rattletrap machine but the ones I really liked were adventure games. I was around 7-8 years old, I did not know any English and I loved to play those games. I was trying all options and stuff to get my way around. Those games were 'really hard' for me. Later on, I continued playing adventure games. I met Indiana Jones, Monkey Island, Broken Sword, Larry and many others on the road. I should may be thank my father because he was a fan of adventures too. He bought me original cd for The Curse of Monkey Island when noone had anything original in Turkey. We played and solved many games together. I wanted to do something for my favourite genre for a payback. They taught me a lot and I feel like I owe them a lot.

4. I am developing my own adventure game now and the best source of knowledge about what makes a game interesting and of high quality, are the games made before in my opinion. To get that knowledge, I have to play and to really squeeze them and see what comes out, I have to write reviews and articles on them and those will make the blog. I may share information about my project later since it is nothing more than written and drawn bunch of words, sentences, graphics, lines on papers now.

There may be more reasons, there may not be, I do not know but I know that it is the right blog to follow if you would like to know about upcoming, newly published, old, classic, any adventure game. I will be writing news and developments, detailed reviews, articles and if I am really lucky, interviews with developers. I will check again and again after writing my posts if they are valuable, fun to read or not.

Nothing written on this blog will be offensive or harmful for the genre and industry. I will try to encourage, advertise and inform as much as I can. There are more indie adventure game companies than normal ones so I see advertising as my responsibility because I know some really good games out there that did not have enough eyes rolling on them.

Thanks for joining me along. Comment if you want to say anything. I am open to any advice and critique. If you want to join and help me as a writer, if you really want it, contact me.

Have a nice day adventurer,
and welcome again!

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